

UIW Ph.D. 研究生和在读博士生出版书籍章节

01/26/2024 Sourced from UIW News

UIW’s core value of education is one passed down to students on their journeys of becoming “concerned and enlightened citizens within the global community.” UIW Ph.D. graduate, Alyssa Cortes-Kennedy, and current doctoral candidate, Melinda Jimenez-Perez, recently demonstrated this Mission in action through their work to make a positive impact in the field of education.



08/18/2023 Sourced from UIW News

uw的德利本教育学院(DSE)已宣布博士. Ashley S. 爱作为下一任研究生主任. Dr. Love is a multi-disciplinary professional with a deep commitment to interdisciplinary learning and a passion for empowering diverse communities. 在高等教育领域有二十多年的教学经历, she is an award-winning professor who holds multiple degrees from Columbia University and a Doctor of Health Sciences degree from Nova Southeastern University, 她在哪里攻读远程医疗和医疗保健专业人员教育的双重学位. Dr. 爱的教育背景反映了她对卓越的不懈追求, 她对教育变革力量的信念和她强烈的服务精神.


08/04/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Lisa R. Brown, 德利本教育学院(DSE)助理教授, was named a Freedom Scholar Award recipient by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH). 该协会于1915年由Dr. Carter G. Woodson, 被称为黑人历史之父, 是黑人历史月的创始组织,并努力继续. Woodson.



06/01/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Members of the UIW Dreeben School of Education attended the 22nd Annual Region 5 Texas National Association of Multicultural Education (TXNAME) Conference in Waco, Texas on Saturday, May 20. Dr. Sandra Guzman Foster, UIW教学与学习中心主任, also attended the conference. NAME is a non-profit organization that advances and advocates for equity and social justice through multicultural education.


UIW Names Dr. Alfredo Ortiz Aragón 2023-24穆迪教授

05/04/2023 Sourced from UIW News

威斯康星大学荣幸地宣布. Alfredo Ortiz Aragón被任命为2023-24穆迪教授. 该奖项于2023年4月3日举行的年度教师感谢午餐会上宣布. In addition, Dr. Elda Martinez was also presented as this year’s Minnie Stevens Piper Award Nominee among many other honors that were announced that day.


05/03/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Lucretia Fraga, 德利本教育学院(DSE)教师教育副教授, 被选为2023年教育准备项目人工智能探索(EPPs)教师研究员. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, 是机器对人类智能的模拟吗, most often computer systems.



03/31/2023 Sourced from UIW News

在学习理念会议上演讲后, 这是一项致力于探索利用技术改善教育和工作场所学习的年度活动, select conference participants were invited to submit an article to the International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC). One such participant was Dr. Lisa Brown, uw德利本教育学院(DSE)助理教授.



01/18/2023 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Sandra Guzman Foster (associate professor in the Dreeben School of Education (DSE) Graduate Studies Department), and three DSE students examined how their experiences outside of school were impacting their learning inside of the classroom.


DSE Dean Receives Ben E. 古迪杰出服务奖

10/26/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. 丹尼斯·施塔特(Denise Staudt), 德利本教育学院(DSE)院长,被评为本E. 古迪杰出服务奖 recipient at the 2022 Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education (CSOTTE) Teacher Education Conference. This award honors individuals who have given the same level of professional contributions to teacher education in Texas as did Coody. Coody served as the last president of the Texas Association for Student Teaching before the association became the Texas Association of Teacher Educators in 1971.



09/30/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Micah Hunter admits it has taken a little while to get used to her new job as a first-year teacher of fourth graders at Woodlawn Academy in the San Antonio Independent School District, 但没过多久她就达到了新的高度. Earlier this year, the Texas Directors of Field Experience recognized Hunter as the 2021-2022 Texas Clinical Teacher of the Year.

Stories Worth Sharing

09/16/2022 Sourced from UIW News

在2022年春季学期,博士. Deepti Kharod, 德利本教育学院(DSE)教育学助理教授, 以及来自UIW Kappa Delta Pi分会(KDP)的学生, 澳门博彩官网下载荣誉协会, 参加了一项独特的图书活动,重点关注北侧ISD博士的学生的文化表现. Martha Mead Elementary School. Because of this initiative, UIW Alpha Kappa Omega (AKO)分会, 最近获得了Kappa Delta Pi的2022年社区服务分会规划奖.



08/18/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Lisa Brown, uw Dreeben教育学院成人教育助理教授, 组织领导与评估博士.D. 候选人帕姆·麦克雷和杰夫·尼尔, 最近在哥伦比亚大学师范学院举行的学习理念会议上发表. Their article, 在螺旋动力理论的指导下创建情感合作的成人团队和团体,,将在斯普林格出版的“网络与系统课堂笔记”系列丛书/电子书中出版."



Medio Creek和uw教学合作伙伴关系

06/15/2022 Sourced from UIW News

The teaching partnership between the 道成肉身的大学 and Medio Creek Elementary School has never been stronger. The students from UIW’s teacher education program spend time shadowing established teachers at Medio Creek and learning from them just as their students do. 这些教师和管理人员中有许多是威斯康星大学校友.


May 2022 Academic Highlights

05/12/2022 Sourced from UIW News

人文学院的学术亮点, Arts and Social Sciences, 以及德利本教育学院.



04/28/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Lisa Brown, PhD, 德利本教育学院研究生教育助理教授, 还有杰夫·尼尔和帕梅拉·麦克雷, 该项目的博士生, 将于今年6月在纽约共同出席2022年学习理念会议.



03/30/2022 Sourced from UIW News

When Cameron Preston, 运动机能学和教育学专业,预计毕业日期为23年5月, decided to attend UIW, it was to play football. 他对这所大学了解不多, but after visiting campus, 他知道这是他想去的地方.


03/18/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Sandra Guzman Foster, PhD, associate professor in the Graduate Studies Program at the 道成肉身的大学 Dreeben School of Education, 获得杰出教学奖, 国家多元文化教育协会(NAME). 她将于4月29日至20日在该组织的虚拟会议上获得表彰. 古兹曼·福斯特被两个不同的政党提名, 她的一群学生和她在全州的一群同龄人.


03/18/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Each spring, the 道成肉身的大学 community comes together as “One Word” to work towards “One Goal” – raising funds to support current and future UIW students. 这是uw的第四个年度捐赠日,被称为“一个词”. One Goal.,将庆祝1881分钟, 以纪念大学的建校之年, 在3月23日开始的化身世界周期间.



02/22/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Wynette Keller, 他是道成肉身的世界大学三重奏学生支持服务中心的主任, 在德州三重奏协会的会议上被授予20年服务奖. 我们采访了凯勒,讨论了她的工作是如何获得回报的,以及它是如何与威斯康星大学的使命相一致的.

Dr. Ann D. David在TCTELA获得2022年大学教师奖

02/10/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Ann D. David, 德利本教育学院教师教育副教授, was named the 2022 University Teacher of the Year by the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (TCTELA). 她将于2月11日在德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿举行的第57届TCTELA年会上接受该奖项. 18-20.


02/04/2022 Sourced from UIW News

由教务长办公室赞助, 道成肉身的大学教职员参议院和大学的使命和事工, 今年1月,威斯康星大学的教师获得了2022年教师奖.



01/20/2022 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Ashley S. Love, 德利本教育学院研究生课程教育学副教授, 当选为公共卫生教育协会(SOPHE) 2022-2023年度董事会成员. 她将在3月22日至25日举行的第73届SOPHE年度数字会议上入选.


A Teacher’s Priceless Gift

12/03/2021 Sourced from UIW News

阿什利·德·拉·奥深情地回忆起她在华盛顿大学最后一个学期在Medio Creek小学的时光. De La O had the opportunity to do her clinical teaching with third graders cooperatively with UIW alumna Joanna Fuchs Carreon, BS ’11.



11/11/2021 Sourced from UIW News

Patrick Tumwine弟兄,CSC,是博士.D. student in Education at UIW. 他为这个项目带来了丰富的背景, 曾在他的家乡乌干达的圣十字学校担任教师和校长. 但专注于课堂并没有让他忙得顾不上服务. Just the opposite, it has given him a heart to serve both in Uganda and in San Antonio through the Young Women’s Global Leadership program.

St. 克莱尔和普尔共同发表在《教学伦理学》杂志上

11/09/2021 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Norman St. 克莱尔教授兼研究生部主任,以及史密斯博士. Deborah Poole, alumna, 合著《澳门博彩官网下载》,《澳门博彩官网下载》一文. The journal is dedicated to ethical issues across the curriculum with particular attention to pedagogical methodology and practice in both academic inquiry and professional practice.



10/21/2021 Sourced from UIW News

Sandra Guzman-Foster,博士,教育学副教授,高级研究员. Martha Ann Kirk, ThD, 宗教研究名誉教授, co-presented “What Makes for a Compassionate City” at the 8th Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference with Mayor Ron Nirenberg, Rev. 城市信仰办公室的Ann Helmke说, and Andrew Hill, JD, 哈佛大学哲学系副教授. Philip's College. 今年的主题是“向世界敞开心扉:行动中的同情”.”


10/15/2021 Sourced from UIW News

Dr. Denise Staudt, 德利本教育学院院长, was named the Joyce Hardin Service Award recipient by the Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (TACTE) at the Consortium of State Organizations for Teacher Education’s annual Fall Teacher Education Conference. The Joyce Hardin Service Award is presented annually for outstanding service to TACTE and the education profession.



09/23/2021 Sourced from UIW News

对叶塞尼亚·科瓦鲁比亚斯来说,微笑和泪水比言语来得容易. The first-year teacher at Walzem Elementary in the Northeast Independent School District was greeted with a surprise celebration on the morning of Wednesday, September 22, 2021年,他被评为2020-21年度德克萨斯州临床教师. Covarrubias, 谁于2021年5月从圣道大学毕业, 在她的教室里庆祝她的成就吗.



08/18/2020 Sourced from UIW News

道成肉身的世界大学(UIW)自豪地宣布,博士. Denise Staudt, 德利本教育学院院长, 被任命为影响力学院的成员.

04/30/2020 Sourced from UIW News

The 道成肉身的大学 (UIW) is proud to announce it has received a major grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
